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"Let's Build!" Session 4: "Finishing Touches/ Finessing"




1 hour and 30 minute Session


About the Course

"Finishing Touches/Finessing"
Look what we did! Building a community is a process and you’ve grown together throughout the year. Let's put the finishing touches on our cohort. How will we continue to champion each other after this year? Even if this is the only session you can fit in your year, join us and see this is not your typical meet ‘n greet networking!

Wednesday Nov. 2
5:30 - 7:00 p.m.
Location TBD

Your registration fee gets you light refreshments, House of Hospitality Community Building Toolkit, and exclusive connections within the cohort to broaden your marketing base. Due to the unique nature and intent of these events, space is limited.

Your Instructor

House of Hospitality

House of Hospitality
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